Archaeological Excavations & Research
Archaeological research at Fremantle Prison started in 1989, beginning with excavations in Hampton Road Reserve to investigate the former convict-era Chief Warder’s Residence.
The first excavation ‘inside the walls’ occurred in 1990 - involving inmates and officers - investigating the locations of no-longer extant structures including the convict-era Bath House and Flush Well, Cisterns, Wooden Division, and Parade Ground Metalled Road.
There have been many excavations and research projects completed across the site since this time continuing to the current day, brief descriptions of which can be seen in the Fremantle Prison Archaeological Management Plan.
Some documents relating to previous archaeological survey have been digitised and are available to view below.
If you would like further information, please contact archaeology@fremantleprison.com.au directly.
Building Management Authority of Western Australia, Fremantle Prison Project. 1989. Fremantle Prison Archaeology, Historical Archaeological assessment of Hampton Road Reserve and the rear of Henderson Street Cottages. Unpublished report prepared by J. McIlroy. <here>
Building Management Authority of Western Australia. 1990. Outside the Walls, Historical Archaeological Assessment of Parry Street Carpark. Unpublished report prepared by J. McIlroy. <here>
Building Management Authority of Western Australia. 1990. Fremantle Prison: Conservation and Future Use: Archaeological Zoning Plan of the Prison Compound. Unpublished report prepared by the Centre for Prehistory, University of Western Australia. <here>
Building Management Authority of Western Australia. 1990. Fremantle Prison: Conservation and Future Use: Archaeological Excavations in the Prison Ground. Unpublished report prepared by the Centre for Prehistory, University of Western Australia. <here>
Building Management Authority of Western Australia. 1993. Excavations in Fremantle Jail. Report prepared by P. Bindon and J.P. Raynal. Anthropology Department, University of Western Australia. <here>
Samuels, L. E., 1996. Stone-working axe heads fabricated by convicts at an early Australian Colony. Materials Characterization, 37:211-226. Department of Materials Engineering, Monash University, Victoria Australia. <here>
Department of Contract and Management Services. 1998. Report of archaeological investigations associated with the Fremantle prison cell reconstruction project. Unpublished report prepared by G. Nayton for the Department of Contract and Management Services and the Fremantle Prison Trust. <here>
Burke, S. 1998 Analysis of the ‘Public’ and ‘Private’ Areas Within Fremantle Prison Using Spatially Distinct Artefact Assemblages. Unpublished BA (Hons) thesis, Centre for Archaeology, University of Western Australia, Crawley. <here>
WA Maritime Museum, Department of Maritime Archaeology. 2004. Watercraft in the Old Fremantle Prison Tunnels, Maritime Heritage Site Inspection Report. Unpublished report prepared by B. Coley, M. McCarthy, and V. Richards. <here>
Department of Housing and Works. 2005. Report and Catalogue of Artefacts, Fremantle Prison Tunnels, Fremantle, WA. Unpublished report prepared by Eureka Archaeological Research and Consulting UWA. <here>
Fremantle Prison, Department of Housing and Works. 2005. Comments on the artefacts for display at the Fremantle Prison tunnels, Fremantle, WA. Unpublished report prepared by Eureka Archaeological Research and Consulting UWA. <here>
Palassis Architects and Fremantle Prison. 2005. Report on the results of archaeological monitoring of ground disturbance, Fremantle Prison, Fremantle, Western Australia. Report prepared by Eureka Archaeological Research and Consulting UWA. <here>
Palassis Architects and Department of Housing and Works. 2008. Fremantle Prison GIS Predictive Model. Unpublished report prepared by Eureka Archaeological Research and Consulting UWA. <here>
Department of Housing and Works. 2008. Archaeological Procedures Fremantle Prison Toilet Block Alterations. Unpublished report prepared by Eureka Archaeological Research and Consulting UWA.
Department of Housing and Works. 2008. Brick floor assessment: café development. Advice provided by Eureka Archaeological Research and Consulting UWA.
Department of Housing and Works. 2009. Fremantle Prison Visitors Centre Café Development Archaeological Test Excavations. Unpublished report prepared by Eureka Archaeological Research and Consulting UWA for Philip Griffiths Architects.
Department of Housing and Works. 2009. Archaeological Assessment of Timber Feature, Fremantle Prison No. 12 The Terrace. Unpublished report prepared by Eureka Archaeological Research and Consulting UWA for Philip Griffiths Architects. <here>
Department of Housing and Works. 2009. Fremantle Prison Parade Ground Archaeological Test Excavation Results (Stage 3). Unpublished report prepared by Eureka Archaeological Research and Consulting UWA for Philip Griffiths Architects. <here>
Building and Management Works. 2010. Archaeological Assessment of the Sub-Floor Potential, Commissariat Building, Fremantle Prison, Western Australia. Unpublished report prepared by Eureka Archaeological Research and Consulting UWA for Philip Griffiths Architects. <here>
Building Management and Works. 2010. Fremantle Prison, Western Australia, Archaeological Test Excavations of the Stables Building (Stage 2). Unpublished report prepared by Eureka Archaeological Research and Consulting UWA for Philip Griffiths Architects. <here>
Building Management and Works. 2011. Knutsford St Ramp Archaeological Watching Brief and Excavation Results. Report prepared by Eureka Archaeological Research and Consulting UWA for Philip Griffiths Architects. <here>
Building Management and Works. 2011. Archaeological Watching Brief and Rescue Excavations for Soakwell Construction Between Buildings 8 and 10 The Terrace, Fremantle Prison. Advice prepared by Eureka Archaeological Research and Consulting UWA for Philip Griffiths Architects.Building Management and Works. 2011. Fremantle Prison, Number 14, The Terrace, Archaeological Watching Brief and Excavation Results. Prepared by Eureka Archaeological Research and Consulting UWA for Philip Griffiths Architects. <here>
Mein, E. 2012. Inmate Coping Strategies in Fremantle Prison, Western Australia. Unpublished BA (Hons) thesis, Centre for Archaeology, University of Western Australia, Crawley. <here>
Haast, A, K. Robertson, P. Hunter, and V. Boyadjian. 2013. Fremantle Prison Parade Ground Excavation Report. Unpublished report prepared for MA Professional Archaeology, Archaeology Department, University of Western Australia, Crawley. <here>
Palassis Architects. 2013. Fremantle Prison, Refractory Block Exploratory Excavation – Investigation of Paint on Yard Wall. Advice prepared by Eureka Archaeological Research and Consulting UWA. <here>
Haast, A. and K. Robertson. 2013. Report on Archaeological Survey of the Fremantle Prison Women’s Prison, conducted September 2013. Unpublished report prepared for the University of Western Australia. <here>
Van Beek, J, S. Wells, and R. Bertinshaw. 2014. Fremantle Prison Bath House Excavation Report. Unpublished report prepared for MA Professional Archaeology, Archaeology Department, University of Western Australia, Crawley. <here>
Van Beek, J, S. Wells, and R. Bertinshaw. 2014. Fremantle Prison Engine House Excavation Report. Unpublished report prepared for MA Professional Archaeology, Archaeology Department, University of Western Australia, Crawley. <here>
Haast, A. 2014. The Economic Impact of Convict Transportation on the Western Australian Economy 1850 – 1900: An Archaeological Investigation. Unpublished MA thesis. Archaeology Department, University of Western Australia, Crawley. <here>
State Heritage Office. 2015. The report of an Archaeological Watching Brief undertaken within the Female Division, West Workshops, and The Terrace sections of Fremantle Prison, Fremantle, Western Australia. Report prepared by Gavin Jackson Cultural Resource Management for YHA WA Inc. <here>
Romano, B. 2015. What You Lookin’ At?: An Archaeological Analysis of Graffiti and Inscription at Fremantle Prison, Western Australia. Unpublished BA (Hons) thesis, Department of Archaeology, University of Western Australia, Crawley. <here>
State Heritage Office. 2016. Archaeological Management Strategy: Warder’s Cottages (fmr). Unpublished report prepared by Gavin Jackson Cultural Resource Management. <here>
Shragge. J. 2016. Geophysical investigation at the Fremantle Prison: Summary from the UWA GEOP4002 class unit findings. Power Point presentation. Centre for Energy Geoscience, University of Western Australia, Crawley.
Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage. 2017. P877 Warders’ Cottages Artefact Recovery from Under Rear Verandahs W3. Unpublished report prepared by Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage. <here>
Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage. 2017. P1014 Fremantle Prison Archaeological Investigation of c.1856 Sewer Final Report (draft). Unpublished report prepared by Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage.
Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage. 2019. Preliminary results of underfloor salvage from Main Cell Block, Fremantle Prison (draft). Unpublished report prepared by Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage.
Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage. 2020. Archaeological Management Strategy for Fremantle Prison Parade Ground. Unpublished report prepared by Archae-aus, Fremantle, Western Australia. <here>
Department of Planning, Lands, and Heritage. 2020. Archaeological Management Strategy for Fremantle Prison Commissariat. Unpublished report prepared by Archae-aus, Fremantle, Western Australia. <here>
Department for Planning, Lands and Heritage. 2020. Fremantle Prison Hospital Heritage Assessment and Archaeological Excavations. Unpublished report prepared by Terra Rosa Consulting, Fremantle. <here>
Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage. 2020. Archaeological Management Strategy the Hospital. Unpublished report prepared by Terra Rosa Consulting, Fremantle. <here>
Taylor, P. 2021. Site Formation Process of Institutional Confinement: An Archaeological Underfloor Study at Fremantle Prison, WA. Unpublished BCs (Hons) thesis. University of Notre Dame Australia, Fremantle.
Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage. 2021. Archaeological Monitoring at 8 The Terrace, Fremantle. Unpublished report prepared by Terra Rosa Consulting for Empyrean Education Institute.
Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage. 2022. Ground Penetrating Radar: Interpretation of historical features in southern Parade Ground. Unpublished report prepared by Draig Geoscience for Golder Associates. <here>
Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage. 2022. Ground Penetrating Radar: Interpretation of historical features west of The Terrace. Unpublished report prepared by Draig Geoscience for Golder Associates. <here>